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Julie's Greenroom

My daughters are currently 10 and 6.  My ten year old seems to understand how awesome theatre is, while my 6 year old seems to understand how awesome the spotlight is.  I have been trying to find ways to introduce them to age appropriate ways of understanding the arts. They are both in piano lessons and school choir, and the oldest is in a young actors acting troop.  But then, a marvelous event took place!  Julie's Greenroom dropped on Netflix.
Friends! I am happy to report my daughters love Julie's Greenroom.  I actually think I likely love it more, but they do seem to enjoy it a great deal.  So, for those who do not know, Julie's Greenroom is just about the best thing to ever happen to children's television if you are a person like me.  The great Julie Andrews hosts a show of Muppet Children as they learn about all the elements of putting together a theatrical show.
The guest stars!  Oh my friends, my friends!  The children learn about theatre from Idina Menzel, about dancing from members of the New York Ballet, about percussion from the cast of Stomp, about music writing from Sara Bareilles, and on and on.  It really is a little theatre geek's dream.
Honestly though, one of the best parts is helping kids see the magic behind the magic of the theatre. The work that goes into making the set, the work of raising funds, the work of collaborating to write a song.  It is so invigorating to watch this process.  Additionally, the address different strengths that kids may have and show how they can be a part of the theatre, from humor to technical skill to musical skills.  They also address things like not getting the role you wanted, being afraid to be on stage, and what to do when things go wrong.
I love theatre, and I have since I was a kid.  My first show was in the 4th grade.  Since that time, I have learned so much about how theatrical productions are put together, yet I still seem to be so amazed at each thing I happen to learn.  Julie's Greenroom is a way for children to be able to start to learn about the magic at a young age.
Why should this matter?  Why am I not having my children spend their free time watching or learning about math equations or science or something important?  Well, first, my ten year old had a Chemistry birthday party, so we do not lack in the department of STEM importance and awesomeness.  However, there is plenty of research that shows the importance of Art and Humanity. The ability to think and create is of more importance than we seem to place on it in this modern age. Creativity builds innovation.  It also builds human connection, and human connection builds innovation.  Learning and understanding history and humanities and the arts are an essential part of building up a strong and empathetic society.  Cutting the arts from our lives and our world will serve to make this world a less functional place.  I comment Julie's Greenroom for keeping this an important part of the lives of our children.
Julies Greenroom is a new Netflix Series of 13 episodes that dropped in March of 2017.


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